Lemnatec facility for medium plants
Lemnatec facility for medium plants
Plants (medium size: max. height of approx. 140 cm, max. diameter 20 cm) are cultivated in individual pots placed in carriers (with single pots) and are cultivated in a climate controlled glass house (temperature range: 15 - 35 °C with min. temperature 10° below outside temperature; relative humidity: 60 - 85%; supplementary illumination: up to 350 μmole/m2s PAR). Carriers are transported on a conveyor system throughout the glasshouse compartment (ca. 100 m2) and moved to three consecutive imaging boxes (within the climate controlled compartment) for near infrared imaging (1450-1550 nm), visible imaging (390-750 nm), and fluorescence imaging (excitation: 400-500 nm, emission: 520-750 nm) using in each case top view and side view CCD cameras (with multiple side views possible). Carrier (including pots and plants) weights are recorded and plants are watered (or supplied with nutrient solution) on a balance/ watering station. The platform accommodates up to 520 individual carriers allowing the parallel cultivation / monitoring of max. 520 plants. All operations are automated and computer controlled.

Figure 1: Glasshouse with up to 520 medium size plants; max. 140cm height, max. 30cm width