How to access phenotyping platforms?

1) Check your eligibility more details

2) Read the Application Guidelines which specifies the requirements for an eligible application APPLICATION GUIDELINES

3) Select a platform for your proposed project from the infrastructure database, contact the platform scientist and discuss the feasibility  Installation overview

Note: Feasibility is an essential evaluation criterion. You have to discuss the feasibility prior to the submission of a proposal.

4) Register to the on-line application platform and submit your application  Proposal Submission

5) Your application will be reviewed by experts, key evaluation criteria: feasibility, excellence, existing datasets on the same material, expected outcome Evaluation and Selection Criteria

6) The access is free of charge for selected user-groups and includes the logistical, technological and scientific support and the specific training required to successfully complete the approved access project Funding of access

Please note:Applicants may apply for access to multiple installations, for each access to an installation a separate application is needed, i.e. only applications for one access to one installation will be eligible. Access to two or more installations requires two or more applications.

7) After completion of your access project, you are requested to provide a project report  Reporting & Publication


Download the complete Application Guidelines as a pdf-File  APPLICATION GUIDELINES

For more information contact the Access Management:



  "DPPN-ACCESS" pilot project

Grant Agreement/FKZ 031B121


"DPPN-ACCESS 2.0" project
Grant Agreement/FKZ 031B1500


funded by